
The International Council of Psychologists, Inc., is entering its 80th year as a world-wide association of psychologists, including scholars, practitioners, and students, as well as those studying and working in related fields.

The International Council of Psychologists (ICP) as an organization is, in practice, a community of psychologists from all parts of the world who are focused on using psychological science and expertise to promote human rights, dignity, justice, and peace.  The ICP is a nexus where psychologists who often work alone or in small groups can meet and interact with others from other locations. Their activities include information exchange and sharing, supporting and working with one another, rejuvenating their interest and passion for their work, and learning with and from each other. The goal of this community is to make meaningful positive differences in the world and to help envision a more equitable and sustainable future.


The mission of the International Council of Psychologists is to promote human rights, dignity, and justice and further international understanding and world peace by facilitating collaborative relationships around the world.


The International Council of Psychologists values diversity in knowledge and methodological approaches, cultural humility, peer relations, mutual understanding, scientific approaches, critical thinking, and inclusion.


On matters of psychology and human rights, dignity justice, and peace, ICP is the leading association that provides international networking opportunities, global information exchange, and global resources.

Goals for 2022-2025

ICP supports 3-5 goals toward achieving its vision. Each goal is fulfilled by one or more projects. Projects are anticipated to utilize ICP’s ongoing infrastructure activities (newsletter, webinars, conferences).

GOAL 1: ICP creates opportunities for International Networking and global information exchange

  • Objective 1: Host Interest Groups
    ICP curates theme-based initiatives on specific topics. ICP Interest groups may be generated by ICP members or developed from ongoing or planned or existing projects or initiatives. Each initiative is reviewed yearly and either extended or sun-set. ICP develops guidelines and criteria for interest group formation and membership.
  • Objective 2: ICP uses its webinar resources to facilitate information exchange and discussion
    • ICP Webinar series – informative and skill based learning about topics relevant to human rights, dignity and justice
    • Webinar Series: ICP at the United Nations – ICP works with its UN representation to develop webinars on how psychology contributes at the UN (including UN headquarters, UN Geneva, UN Vienna) and on ways ICP members can be involved (UN content experts, speakers, etc).
    • Webinar Series in collaboration with the GNPHR on human rights education.
  • Objective 3: ICP hosts meetings/conferences to facilitate networking and exchange
    • ICP annual meetings, regional meetings and special meet-ups

GOAL 2: ICP develops and maintains Global Resources for human rights, dignity, justice, equity and peace

  • Objective 1: ICP develops a curated global database of entities involved with psychology and human rights, dignity, justice, peace. Entities (entries in the database) are organizations (NGOs, institutes, governmental and quasi-governmental, associations)
  • Objective 2: ICP continues to host the Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights (in collaboration with the EFPA Human Rights Board).

GOAL 3: ICP engages in Sustainability and Succession Planning

The purpose of this goal is to review and potentially modify ICP’s structure so that is it poised to actively fulfill its mission and function as a networking hub

  • Objective 1: Change the time of Board position transitions to the calendar year.
  • Objective 2: Expand the Presidential term to 2 years to foster consistency and succession planning.
  • Objective 3: Develop specific role descriptions and mechanisms for engagement of president-elect and past president in leadership trio
  • Objective 5: Develop leadership succession mechanisms for ICP board and officer roles
  • Objective 4: Develop Handbook including roles, responsibilities and expectations.