Call for Workshops

ICP 2025 Conference Workshops – Call for Proposals

All proposal must be submitted via the online portal at

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

What are ICP Workshops?

The ICP2025 Conference Committee is accepting workshop proposals that address the learning needs of ICP members for the 2025 conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Workshops will take place April 3, 9:00 am – noon. Workshops are 3 hours and end before the formal start of the conference.

Preference is given to interactive workshops that actively engage participants and facilitate the translation of new knowledge and skills into professional practices and services. The workshops may be related to the theme of the conference, Human Rights, Justice, and Dignity: Social Inclusion and Migration, or address other learning needs of ICP members.

This is a competitive process since space and time limit the number of workshops which can be given. Priority will be given to those workshops that are designed to build skills and have high appeal to ICP members.

Why should you apply?

As a workahop presenter, you will broaden your professional network and receive 50% off your conference registration fee.

Submission Process

All proposals must be submitted through the online conference programming system.

Online instructions are provided to guide you through the process. For your submission you will need to provide:

  • TItle
  • Abstract of Workshop for Program (up to 50 words)
  • Abstract: Outline of what workshop will cover (up to 500 words)
  • 3 Learning Objectives
  • Your CV and those of any co-presenters

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024.