from Machiko Fukuhara, Interest Group Coordinator
Being appointed by President Natalie Porter (2018) to serve as Coordinator for ICP’s Interest Groups, I am encouraging friends and colleagues of the ICP, Inc. to create groups that facilitate scientific research and dissemintation on specific topics.
In addition to carrying out research, ICP Interest Groups prepare proposals for presentation to submit to ICP, Inc annual Conferences, or Regional Conferences and/or to National and International Conferences held in various regions of the world. Interest Groups may also prepare a webinar on their topic of interest.
Interest Groups are encouraged to invite colleagues from other psychology related fields who may be interested to collaborate on research in order to enhance potentials for putting scientific findings into action.
By being involved in this activity, I hope we will be able to continue the development of ICP’s emphasis on “Human Dignity” and the importance of reciprocal respect with others.
Let us work together!