ICP Endorsements


2024, December

Endorsement of Democratic Systems and Psychological Science: A Collective Statement and Call to Action developed by the  Global Psychology Alliance. At the time of publication, it was endorsed by 48 national/regional/international associations of psychology.
Link to the statement in English: https://icpweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Democracy-and-Psychological-Science-Statement-December-2024.pdf


2023, September

Endorsement of Psychology and the Climate Crisis – A Population Climate Action Framework – ‘People and Planet – we’re all in this together’ developed by the  Global Psychology Alliance. At the time of publication, it was endorsed by 42 national/regional/international associations of psychology.
Link to the statement in English: https://www.apa.org/international/networks/global-psychology-alliance/climate-action-framework.pdf

2023, April

Endorsement of “How does psychology fit within a population health framework?developed by the  Global Psychology Alliance. At the time of publication, it was endorsed by 44 national/regional/international associations of psychology.
Link to the white paper in English: https://www.apa.org/international/networks/global-psychology-alliance/population-health-framework.pdf
Links to translated versions in multiple languages are coming soon.

2023, April

Endorsement of “How does psychology fit within a population health framework?developed by the  Global Psychology Alliance. At the time of publication, it was endorsed by 44 national/regional/international associations of psychology.
Link to the white paper in English: https://www.apa.org/international/networks/global-psychology-alliance/population-health-framework.pdf
Links to translated versions in multiple languages are coming soon.

2022, April

Endorsement: Statement: NGO Statement to the 31st Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice, Vienna, 16-20 May 2022:  Strengthening the international legal framework and international cooperation in the context of crimes that affect the environment 

2020, August

Endorsement: Statement: What do Psychology and Psychologists Offer Humanity (released by 60+ Psychology Organizations in the Global Psychology Alliance)

2020, June

Endorsement: Statement:Psychologists Worldwide United to Take Action Against Violence in the Home (released by 60+ Psychology Organizations in the Global Psychology Alliance)

2020, May

Endorsed: CSW64-Oral Statement (Statement from Commission on the Status of Women, Vienna to the United Nations)



Endorsed: Seville Statement on Violence (written 1986, endorsed by ICP 1987, adopted by UNESCO 1989 – summary)

ICP and Advocacy

In 2024 ICP reviewed its role in promoting human rights, dignity and justice, and developed a statement of how it would address current world events.

ICP Position on Responding to World Events

6 March 2024             [DOWNLOAD AS PDF]

The ICP board has been approached to make statements about current world events. Many of our members, in reading about world events, want to take action as a measure of their concern and care about dignity, justice, and human rights the world around.

In response to these requests, ICP formed a task group to consider the ICP mission, vision and values as expressed in the ICP bylaws, and to make recommendations for ICP actions going forward.

The following is the ICP position, approved by the ICP Board of Directors:

The purpose of ICP is to advance psychology and the application of its findings throughout the world. The mission of ICP is to promote human rights, dignity, and justice and further international understanding and world peace by facilitating collaborative relationships around the world. The International Council of Psychologists values diversity in knowledge and methodological approaches, cultural humility, peer relations, mutual understanding, scientific approaches, critical thinking, and inclusion.

When there are world events, in support of its mission and values, the ICP will use its available educational and communication mechanisms (e.g. webinars, interest groups, newsletter articles, briefs, letters) to

  • provide tools and resources,
  • facilitate the dissemination and exchange of information,
  • promote dialogue, and
  • raise awareness of psychological aspects of historical, cultural, social and political contexts.

The ICP will not, as an organization, make organization-based statements about world events, as an expression of concern or as a demand for action. It will encourage its members to be informed and engaged as global citizens, and it will attempt to provide a platform for showcasing resources about psychological approaches, responses and interventions, as well as a platform for discussion about the role and power of psychology in support for dignity, justice and human rights.

To support this strategy the ICP will:

  • Inform members of materials and tools relevant to the specific issues that currently exist on the ICP website or that ICP committees or groups collate (e.g. curated lists of webinars, blogs, and newsletter articles addressing issues)
  • Invite members to engage with relevant interest groups
  • Create opportunities for town halls, webinars or other discussion platforms for members to exchange information and opinion. These efforts will be organized by the ICP Board and/or committees and coordinated through the Secretariat.

ICP Statements (prior to the 2024 policy)