Thank you for your interest in hosting the conference of the International Council of Psychologists (ICP). Here you will find the ICP’s guidelines for hosting the conference and a proposal form. Please review the materials and if interested complete the proposal form.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at


(downloadable pdf version)

The International Council of Psychologists (ICP) holds an annual scientific program/conference each year in accord with the policy of freedom of movement of scientists. The conference is typically 3 days (morning workshops, afternoon opening session and evening opening reception on day 1, scientific meetings days 2 and 3) with the possibility of pre- and post-conference excursions or other group activities. The pre-COVID ICP in-person conferences had around 100-120 registrants.

The Chair of the conference host committee (Local Arrangements Committee) must be a member of ICP. To establish the feasibility of submitting an application, a potential applicant might begin with an overview of some logistical issues for proposing a Conference venue:

  • Is there a conference venue to host at least 100 participants?
  • Are there sufficient hotel rooms close to the conference venue
  • Is there a scientific community to develop or sponsor the program?

Geographical Rotation among continents and countries to promote broad geographical coverage, proximity to other major professional conferences, or activities in regions where psychologists may not have presented a scientific program previously are among the considerations for location. A list of locations of previous ICP conferences is here [link]

Another aspect of location is whether there is a scientific community in the conference country that would be likely to participate in the scientific program.


ICP strives as an organization and as a conference host to be inclusive and welcoming in its programs and policies. Conference proposals should address how the Local Conference organizers will work toward meeting the following aspirations:

  • Adherence to the Principle of Free Circulation of Scientists, which ensures that all scientists, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or political beliefs, have the freedom to attend and participate in a scientific conference without any discriminatory restrictions on their travel or entry to the host country. If there are national restrictions on entry of some individuals to a potential host country, the proposal should discuss how this will be addressed.
  • Promotion of Accessibility. The ICP strives for its conferences to be accessible, broadly defined. This includes:
    • Economic accessibility: ICP conference offers a limited number of conference scholarships to assist colleagues to attend the conference. The Local organizers should include this in any fee proposals.
    • Disability accessibility: ICP attempts to provide a conference venue that is physically accessible and that allows accommodations for a diversity of needs. The proposal should note how the proposed venue addresses these needs,
    • Dietary need accessibility: ICP attempts to have catering options that can cover a variety of food choice needs (e.g. vegan, gluten free, kosher, halal) or allergy needs (including provision of special meals)
    • Sexual orientation and gender: The proposal should address meeting LGBGTQ+ needs including local safety and conference venue accommodations

The ICP Conference can be held at any time, but consideration should be given to academic calendars, weather, national and religious holidays, and overlap with other conferences. The timing can also be discussed with the ICP Board to find an agreeable time.

In the past, ICP has collaborated with international, regional, or national associations to hold its conference around the time or place of the larger conferences of these organizations. ICP has also held stand-alone conferences in locations not connected to other international or regional conferences.

The Local Arrangement Committee chair is a member of the overall ICP Conference Organizing Committee, which meets monthly throughout the year and biweekly in the two months before a conference. There is a requirement to attend these meetings, and for frequent communication including the Board President, Scientific Program Chair, and Marketing Committee Chair.

Costs for participating in the Conference are another factor. The Board will expect that the registration fee will be reasonable, that there is a range of good hotel rates (particularly including inexpensive ones), and that travel costs can be kept as low as possible.  Despite efforts to keep costs low, travel is sometimes prohibitive for young psychologists, and for psychologists from lower income countries. It is therefore important to provide a plan that will offer special fees, housing, and some support for those colleagues.

The registration fee typically includes all formal conference events (opening, scientific sessions), a conference program and bag, and refreshments during those events. The conference dinner and excursions are priced in addition to the base conference registration and participants may sign up for them as they wish.

The proposal should address any possibilities of local sponsorship for the conference (e.g. meeting space, local governmental or organizational sponsorship, and the like).

The budget is finalized by the Conference Organizing Committee, in consultation with the Local Host Committee. At the minimum, a balanced budget is required. It is important to show realistically how registration fees and other sponsorship will cover costs.

The budget can include Local Host Committee costs as required. This should be part of the conference proposal.

Published October 2024