Call for ICP Interns 2025

The International Council of Psychologists (ICP)  is accepting applications for psychology interns to work with ICP’s NGO representatives at the United Nations. The 2025-6 Internship program will take place September 2025-May 2026.

What is an ICP Internship?

This is a volunteer position for graduate students interested in international psychology.  Interns work with the volunteer ICP UN representatives accredited to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to help implement ICP’s mission of promoting psychology as a science and profession that is relevant to the UN’s global agenda. Work is conducted via zoom or other online meetings and scholarly literature and information searches.

What do interns do?

Tasks include working with the ICP Representatives on NGO Committees and other psychology-related events, and disseminating information about the UN to ICP members and the psychology community more broadly.

Interns will have an opportunity to observe the work of the UN and other NGOs, and to attend UN-NGO committee meetings and other UN-related events.

Responsibilities of the volunteer position include:

  • Attending briefings organized by the UN offices and agencies and writing brief reports of those meetings (meetings are conducted online)
  • Meeting regularly with the ICP UN representatives at monthly meetings
  • Participating in regular monthly meetings of the Psychology Coalition at the UN (PCUN), a coalition of psychology organizations at the United Nations
  • Working regularly with ICP UN NGO representatives in information gathering and participating in UN-NGO committee meetings
  • Contributing information and short briefs to the ICP biannual newsletter.

Who is eligible to apply?
Applicants must be students who will be enrolled full time in a psychology graduate program in 2025-6. Generally, students must be available at least each Thursday during the academic year. Those interns who live in or close to New York City may have an opportunity to attend some meetings in person. Those who do not may attend meetings remotely. The time commitment will depend on interns’ interests and specific assignments, but will average around 3-4 hours per week.

Interns are expected to be culturally competent, to have a diplomatic personal style, and to have excellent writing and communication skills as well as the ability to work collaboratively with peers, senior psychologists, and others. In addition, interns must be members of the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) by the time they begin the internship.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted electronically below. Application materials include:  (1) Contact information (2) Your current educational setting and course of study; (3) A statement of interest, including any experience with global issues as reflected in the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), or international experience; (4) Your CV; and (3) The name and email of one faculty member who will write you a letter of recommendation that will either be uploaded with your application or sent separately to ICP.

Deadline for applications: February 1, 2025.

United Nations Intern Application Form
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please ask your faculty member to write a letter of recommendation that includes their appraisal of your diplomacy, cultural sensitivity, ability to work independently, and listening, writing and analytic skills. Please ask them to send this letter to with UN INTERN LETTER in the subject line OR to provide it to you so that you can upload it here.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Alternatively, upload Faculty Recommendation Letter here