ICP has called a special election for President-Elect. The election is open November 15 – December 1, 2023. You can read nominee statements below and follow links for nominees’ biosketches and CVs. A link to the ballot will be sent via email to all eligible ICP voting members.
The person elected as President-Elect will serve 2 years as President-Elect, 2 years as President, and 2 years as Past-President
The President-Elect
- assumes duties of the President in the event that the President resigns or is unable to perform the duties of office
- serves on the Conference Organizing Committee as Chair (or Co- Chair) of the Local Organizing Committee for the annual ICP Conference.
- serves as Chair of the Long-Range Planning Committee (strategic directions).
The President:
- is Chairperson of the Board for ICP; develops the agenda, presides at all Board and Membership meetings, and performs the usual duties of a president
- represents ICP as an organization; appoints Chairs to Standing Committees; serves as Chair of the annual ICP Conference during their term as President
The Past-President:
- chair the Nominations & Elections Committee
- serves on the Long-Range Planning Committee.
Candidate Statements
Erinn C. Cameron
Ada Sinacore

I am honoured to be nominated for the President of ICP, an organization that has been my professional home since I first decided to become a psychologist.
I have had the privilege of serving on the ICP board for the past 3 years where I have received invaluable mentorship in international leadership skills from long standing ICP leaders. During this time, I was also mentored into my role as Editor of the ICP newsletter which fostered my appreciation for the remarkable work and dedication of our members to ICP’s mission.
I pledge to continue to extend the scope and outreach of ICP member work through all aspects of ICP activities. Additionally, this year marks my fourth year on ICP’s conference planning committee where I have learned about every aspect of ICP’s inner workings. It also allowed for me to experience firsthand how our organization brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to advance international psychology and human rights. As your President, I will harness the collective energy of our membership to continue to enhance and develop our yearly conference and other events, ensuring they remain a platform for innovation, knowledge sharing, and growth for international psychology.
Most recently, I have been actively involved in developing and expanding our graduate-level internship program at the United Nations, which is poised to be one of the most transformative aspects of our organization’s work. I believe that a program where graduate students from across the globe can gain skills to make a substantial impact on the world stage is an important use of ICP resources.
As President, I will forge new partnerships, and work to provide even more opportunities for psychologists across cultures to contribute to international psychological research and human rights advocacy. Further, my commitment to international psychological research is unwavering. I have dedicated my career to advancing international cross-cultural psychology research initiatives, and I pledge to continue fostering a culture of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation within ICP. Together, we can strengthen our impact on the international stage, promoting psychological well-being and human rights globally.
ICP has been at the forefront of my work in international psychology and human rights advocacy. My extensive involvement across several areas of ICP and my own extensive work in international psychology have shaped my vision for ICP’s future. Now, more than ever, in the wake of current global events, it is crucial that we unite our members to address pressing international issues. My vision for ICP includes positioning our organization as a hub for international issues of psychological importance with a particular emphasis on human rights in the context of climate change, human trafficking, violence against women, and decolonizing psychology across theory, research, and practice. ICP has a long history of championing our organizational values. As ICP President, I will be committed to upholding these values and to charting a course for the future that is impactful, inclusive, and forward-thinking.
I am humbled and excited by the opportunity to lead our organization and to collaborate with each of you on this exciting journey. I kindly request your support, trust, and vote for president in this special election.

At this time, I would like to put my name forward to be president-elect of the International Council of Psychologists (ICP).
My experience as a leader is comprehensive. I have a long standing of history of leadership at my university, including being a Department Chair, Graduate Program Director, member of Senate, council representative and committee leader at all levels of the university. Moreover, my leadership in the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) is well known. I am a CPA Fellow and completed my term as President of the association, and currently am Past-President. As well, I have been Chair of the Accreditation Panel, Chair of the Counselling Psychology Section, Secretary/Treasurer of the International Section, and I been involved in a wide range of additional CPA activities.
I have sat on the board of ICP and cochaired Psychology Day at the United Nations for the Psychology Coalition at the UN. Further I am nationally and internationally recognized for my expertise in educational and organizational development whereby, I have worked with several governments (e.g. Taiwan) and embassies (e.g. Mexican, Canadian in Chile) to develop programming to address gender equity and violence in educational and organization institutions. This work requires the ability to have difficult dialogues across diverse cultural contexts a skill essential to the president of a diverse organization such as ICP.
In addition to experience, the incoming leader needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the human rights and social justice work in which the council is committed. The strength of ICP lies in its range of expertise as evidenced by the webinars, interest groups, and advocacy work. During my tenure as CPA president, I centralized human rights and social justice work (HRSJ) within the association through developing a HRSJ newsletter, insuring HRSJ is a theme at the national convention, and co-Chairing a board level HRSJ committee. As well, I took the lead in developing policy statements with respect of Gender Equity, 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, as well as advocating for Indigenous people.
Currently, locally and globally we are seeing a whittling away of certain human rights as is evidenced by overturning of Roe v Wade and other policies being developed nationally and internationally (e.g. anti-trans legislation, the war in the Ukraine, rises in anti-Black racism, record levels of anti-Semitism). Given these uncertain times, it is imperative that we have a strong and experienced leader, as well as collaborative and inclusive leadership that is informed by Human Rights and Social Justice.
Human rights and social justice requires the ability to have difficult dialogue across diverse points of view, such that voices of those who are underrepresented are highlighted, heard, and valued. At this time it is particularly important for the organization to have a leader who understands organizational systems and structures, has the requisite knowledge to address the current polarization we are seeing in society, and the skills to offer guidance through these challenging times. I believe that at this time, I can be that leader.