Posters for Lightning Talks Session 1: Mental Health Interventions Asian American University Students’ Use of Collectivist Coping Strategies Following A Traumatic Eeperience Evaluation of a DWI Treatment Court’s Restorative Justice-Based Trauma-Sensitive Yoga program Military Women’s Rights: One Team, One Fight: Photovoice as a Therapeutic Intervention for Women Survivors in the Military Militarization and Mental Health: History and Intervention in Indian-Administered Jammu & Kashmir Human Rights and Ethics in Psychology and Physiotherapy Empirical Role of Psychological Science in Healthcare and Universal Health Coverage Posters for Lightning Talks Session 2: Responding to Contemporary Global Crises “Weathered-out”: Existential Angst Among Adolescents Facing a Global Warming Future The Impact of COVID-19 on International Childrens Rights and Children’s Mental Health in the United States, Japan, Finland, Armenia and Puerto Rico The Impact of COVID-19 on PreK-12 Teachers, School-based Mental Health Professionals, and Their Abilities to Support International Children’s RIghts The Response to COVID-19: The Impact on Disability Communities Around the World Disability and Special Education Service in a Global Context Posters for Lightning Talks Session 3: Women’s Health Key Indicators of Women’s Health and International Female Migration Maternal Health Indicators Predict Estimated Rates of Modern Slavery Indicators of Infant Health Predict Estimated Prevalence of Modern Slavery How Do Indian Women Regard Feminism? From Social Movement to NGO: Historical Analysis of Autonomous Women’s Counseling Centers in Vienna in the 1980s and 1990s Posters for Lightning Talks Session 4: Abuse and Victimization Prevention of Sexual Revictimization for Female Adolescent Refugees by Increasing Access to Healthcare and Social Services Childhood Abuse and Alcohol Use: A moderated Mediation Model Examining the Roles of Resilience and Negative Emotions The Unseen Abuses Intimate Partner Violence Among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Implications for Receiving Countries Prospective Study on Childhood Emotional Abuse, Resilience and Physical Health in the United States Posters for Lightning Talks Session 5: Ethnic Minorities and Coping Strategies Ethnic Cleansing of the Uyghur: Human Rights Violations in the Xinjiang Province/East Turkestan Social Determinants of Psychological Strain Among Pakistani Married Working Women A Review: American Muslim Adolescents and their Struggles Coping Strategies Used by Pakistani Immigrants to Canada to Deal with Shame in Complex Social Contexts Masculinity/Feminity Influence Acculturation of Chinese International Students Through English Proficiency Posters for Lightning Talks Session 6: Racism / Social Minorities Intergroup Contact Shapes the Valuing of Diversity, Which Mediates the Influence of Contact on Prejudice and Behaviours Antiracism Training: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How We Can Do Better Evolution of Colorism: History, Consequences, and Solutions The Contemporary Psychological History of Social Minorities in Taiwan What is Evolution? A Psychological Perspective on Racism Poster-Only Presentations Review of Mental Health Interventions for American Indian Youth Psychological Reattachment to Work Buffered the Effect of Role Ambiguity on Work Engagement A Meta-Analytic Study of the Relationships Between Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior and Wellbeing Bouncing Back: Racial Microaggressions Predicting Higher Resilience Shown in Latinx Individuals Changing Landscape: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in the Time of COVID-19 Sexual Harassment Against Women Across Cultures in the Work Place 2020-12-08