ICP2020-Virtual Online
ICP2020-Virtual took place December 11-13, 2020 via ZOOM. Many sessions are available online for viewing.
The Sessions with Active Links can be viewed online,
ICP 2020Virtual – December 11-12-13, 2020

Opening Session
Human Rights Observation
Business Meeting and Town Hall
Awards Ceremony and Closing
Women and Human Rights
Climate Justice
COVID19 and Human RIghts
Lightning Talks: Ethnic Minorities and Coping Strategies
Lightning Talks: Racism and Social Minorities
Posters – Mixed Topics
Opening –
- Welcome from Josephine Tan, ICP Interim President
- Welcome from Natalie Porter, ICP Past President
- Update on ICP Attendance, Merry Bullock, ICP Secretary-General
- Greeting Video

Plenary – Saths Cooper – Psychology and Human Rights
- Moderator Merry Bullock, ICP Secretary-General
- Summary: Psychology has been largely indifferent to human rights, even though its relevance is clear and crucial. This address will traverse the provenance of human rights from antiquity, locating psychology within the vital human rights landscape. It will discuss ways in which psychology needs to change to address its role in creating a psychology for all humanity.
Plenary – Ellyn Kaschak – Human Rights and Wrongs – 50 Years of Struggle and Change for Women
- Moderator Natalie Porter, CSPP/Alliant, ICP Past President
- Summary: In this talk, Kaschak considers different aspects of the epistemology of gender and of vision from her own work as a dual-culture psychologist, writer and social justice advocate. “First there are the questions. The original question for our research and study, the one from which all others emanate is “How do we know what we know?” It is the antidote to the conscopusness-lowering that is so much a part of socialization. Socialiazation says “Do not notice” but epistemology says “I must”. “
Award Talk – Brian Mishara – Challenges in Evidence Based Suicide Prevention: Global Commonalities and Cultural Specificities
- Moderator Josephine Tan, Lakehead University, ICP Interim President
- Summary: This talk provides an overview of evidence-based practices in suicide prevention, and contemporary challenges from a transcultural perspective. Topics include age, gender and cultural differences in regional patterns of suicide, evidence on the effectiveness of suicide prevention programmes in different cultural contexts, and examples of culturally specific models for suicide prevention.
Award Talk – Anusha Kassan – Feminist-Multicultural Counseling with Girls: Cultural Identities and Social Locations
- Moderator Mary Beth Kenkel, Florida Institute of Technology, ICP Awards Chair
- Summary: I will use the feminist-multicultural principles along with the culture-infused counseling model to illustrate how wire wutg young girls often requires counsellors to develop a personalized, collaborative approach, which takes into account a contextual understanding of clients’ presenting challenges as well as their multiple and interacting cultural identities and social practices.
Invited Symposium – The Impact of Sexual Trafficking, Displacement and Migration on Women’s Human Rights
Co-Chairs: Natalie Porter, USA and Amina Muazzam, Pakistan
- Kalyani Gopal – The Intersection of Gender and Sex Trafficking: A Global Pandemic
- Sara Rizvi Jaffree – Debating How the Political Sociology of South Asia Influences Policy Development for Women’s Health Services
- Muhammad Wajid Tahir – European Response to International Conventions/Recommendations for Integration of Women Migrant
Invited Symposium – Climate Justice
Co-Chairs: Erinn Cameron, USA; Fiona Cunningham, Canada
- Evelin Lindner -From Humuliation to Digniity: For a Future of Global Solidarity
- Gonzalo Bacigalupe – Fostering Disaster Resilience Research in Chile: Walking into Public Policy and Politics
Invited Symposium – COVID-19 and Human Rights
Co-Chairs: Elaine Congress, USA; Josephine Tan,, Canada
- Joep Avezaat & Marijke Luthenhuis – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social, Medical and Mental Wellbeing of Refugees on Lesvos
- Anne Williams-Isom – How COVID-19 Has Changed Services for Children and Families
- Suzanne Wilson – COVID19: The Impact on Families Experiencing Poverty and the Role of Community Psychology
Lightning Talks – Mental Health Interventions
Moderator Irma Barron, Albizu University
- Hogge – Asian American University Students’ Use of Collectivist Coping Strategies
- Nowacki – Evaluation of a DWI Yoga Program
- Fonseca-Medina – Photovoice as a Therapeutic Intervention
- Bhattacharya – Militarization and Mental Health
- Roth: Human Rights and Ethics in Psychology and Physiotherapy
- Nehra: Empirical Role of Psychological Science in Healthcare
Lightning Talks – Responding to Contemporary Global Crises
Moderator Mary Beth Kenkel, Florida Institute of Technology
- Serrano – “Weathered Out”: Existential Angst Among Adolescents Facing a Global Crisis
- Stiles – Impact of COVID19 on International Children’s Rights / on PreK-12 Teachers. School-Based Mental Health Professionals
- Balva & Tapia-Fuselier – The Response to COVID-19: The Impact on Disability Communities
- Park – Disability and Special Education Service in a Global Context
Lightning Talks – Women’s Health
Moderator Natalie Porter, CSPP/Alliant Emeritus
- Cameron – Key Indicators of Women’s Health and International Female Migration
- Cunningham – Maternal Health Indicators Predict Estimated Rates of Modern Slavery
- Ray – Structural Inequality, Infant Health, and Modern Slavery
- Bhatta – How to Indian Women Regard Feminism?
- Luckgei – From Social Movement to NGO: Autonomous Women’s Counseling Centers in Vienna
Lightning Talks – Abuse and Victimization
Moderator Irma Barron, Albizu University
- Woods – Prevention of Sexual Revictimization for Female Adolescent Refugees
- Villalba – Childhood Abuse and Alcohol Use
- Osborn – The Unseen Abuses
- Kats-Kariyanakatte -Intimate Partner Violence Among Immigrants fro, the Former Soviet Union
- Zheng – Prospective Study on Childhood Emotional Abuse, Physical Health and Resilience
Lightning Talks – Ethnic Minorities and Coping Strategies
Moderator -Erinn Cameron, Fielding Graduate University
- Mounet – Ethnic Cleansing of the Uyghur
- Ahmad – Social Determinant oof Psychological Distress Among Pakistani Working Women
- Rehman – A Review: American Muslim Adolescents and their Struggles
- Collardeau – Coping Strategies used by Pakistani Immigrants to Canada
- Xie – Masculinity Promotes Acculturation of Chinese International Students Through English Proficiency
Lightning Talks -Racism / Social Minorities
Moderator -Chris Mulchay, Asheville Testing
- Wallrich – The Dynamic Relationship Between Valuing Diversity and Intergroup Contact
- Horvath, Zabinski, Levitt, Luzzi – Antiracism Training: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How We Can Do Better
- Sanchez: – Evolution of Colorism: History, Consequenes and Solutions
- Lee – Contemporary Psychological History of Social Minorities in Taiwan
- Norman – What is Evolution? A Psychological Perspective on Race
Posters Only – Mixed Topics
- Moderator Erinn Cameron, M.S., Fielding Graduate University
- Introduction and poetry readings
- Collective reading. of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Music
- Film
Awards and Tributes Ceremony
- Presentation of 2020 Awards
- Presentation of ICP2020-Virtual Poster Contest / Lightning Talk Award Recipients
ICP Town Hall / Members’ Meeting
- where is ICP now and where should it be going?
ICP Updates
- Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights – presentation of the Network
- ICP and COVID-19 Projects
- ICP at the United Nations