ICP Freedom, Inclusion, Dignity, Equality/Equity Interest Group (FIDE)

Members are invited to join a new interest group with a focus on human rights and psychology. Central to the focus of this group will be the principles of Freedom, Inclusion, Dignity and Equality/Equity (hence it will be called the FIDE group).

The purpose of the group is to examine how Freedom, Inclusion, Dignity and Equality/Equity are or are not being addressed worldwide and what can be done to spread good practice and challenge bad practice in the teaching, practice and application of psychology.

The group will use discussion, videos, presentations, publications and webinars to inform itself as well as others throughout a world network of resources about a range of topics, including What is the place of psychology in addressing violations of international law?  What contribution can psychology provide to bring about peace and reconciliation at a systemic level after a war?

Interest Group Chair: Derek Indoe  (derek.indoe@gmail.com)

Please sign  me up to receive information on the FIDE Interest Group

ICP Interest Group Contact Form