Time and Links
ICP2020-Virtual takes place December 11, 12 and 13, from 8:00 am (EST) until 4:30 pm EST (except Sunday, until 3:3o EST)
The entire conference is coming to you via ZOOM meeting – there will be one meeting link per day.
You will be sent the link at 6 pm EST the day before. The link will be sent to the email used for your CONFTOOL account; Please do not share this link with anyone, so that we can keep track of attendance;.
Program and Sessions
You can access the ICP2020-Virtual Conference here: https://www.conftool.org/icp2020Cancun/sessions.php
Live Sessions
Live Sessions will begin and end on time. There will be a short (5-10 minute) break between live sessions.
To maximize live session viewing, choose “speaker view” during the session talks, and choose “gallery view” during the discussion.
Online Sessions
Some of the program (ICP Updates) and Posters will be continuously available online.
Posters are available here.
Posters are arranged according to their corresponding Lightning Talk session. Those posters with no Lightning Talk are arranged in a Poster-only slot.
To get the most from the Lightning Talks, review the corresponding posters beforehand.
ICP updates are posted here
View these updates and come to the Networking session about ICP, scheduled for 4 pm, December 11
Program Overview and Guide
There are two special plenaries with invited speakers whose talks exemplify the themes of the conference. These sessions are not to be missed! (Plenary 1: 9:30 am December 11; Plenary 2: 10:15 December 120
Invited Symposia and Award Talks
There are three invited symposia on the confererence themes of human rights, dignity and justice: Women and Human Rights; Climate Justice, and COVID19 and Human Rights. Each symposium will have ample time for discussion. The two award talks, on suicide and on multicultural counseling, are from recipients of ICP’s prestigious Fukuhara Award and Sukemune/Bain Award. There will be time for discussion with each speaker following their talks.
Lightning Talks
Lightning Talk sessions include several 5-minute talks, organized into thematic sessions. Come listen to your colleagues provide interesting and provocative talks! Each session has ample time for discussion and networking.
Online Program
Continuously available this includes the posters and ICP activity updates. Come find out what your colleagues are doing!
Special Events
Human Rights Observation
This 1-hour event is going to be really special! It includes readings, music, a vigil, and a collective reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. See the program here
ICP Awards Ceremony
The winners of ICP’s 2020 awards will be announced. Come celebrate with your colleagues. Awards include winners of the student poster/lightning talk contests (see below) and winners of the 2020 awards for distinguished research, service, and international engagement.
ICP Business Meeting and Town Hall
Come learn about ICP with short reports on its status and activities and announcements of forthcoming events. The Business meeting will be followed by a TOWN HALL for all – come to discuss you vision for a vibrant ICP and your hopes and expectations for how ICP can meet your needs for international collaboration and engagement.
Your Active Engagement
Student Lightning Talk Contest – Audience Choice
All student first-author lightning talks are eligible to win “audience choice” awards. At the end of each lightning talk session viewers will be asked to rate each eligible talk. Audience choice talks will be announced at the ICP Awards Ceremony on Sunday,.
Meet and Greet
Each morning at 8 am EST (which is early for some but afternoon for our European attendees and maybe even evening for our Asian colleagues!) there is an ICP Meet and Greet – log on to see who is there – meet, discuss, and make plans.
Discussion Sessions
There is time for discussion after each session. Put your zoom in gallery view, click unmute, and engage with others.