Deadline SEPTEMBER 15, 2023!!
PANEL, PAPER, and POSTER Submissions
Submission format: Submissions are made online. When you click the green button below you will be redirected to the “ConfTool” registration site. All submitters need to register for an account on ConftTool for abstract submission and conference registration.
Be sure to read the instructions below for abstract submission. You are asked for two beginning sentences to summarize your presentation.
Panels must address a topic that is broadly related to one of the focus areas of ICP2023: Climate Change and Climate Justice, Culture and Acculturation, Decolonization and Indigenization, Education for all; Gender-Based Violence, Health and Mental Health, Refugees and Migrants, Leadership and Governance, Socio-Economic Justice.
Panels include a moderator and at least three speakers, each of whom opens the session with a maximum 8-minute set of introductory remarks. These remarks may present a line of research, a series of studies, a conceptual analysis or a brief overview of some aspect of the topical area. Panels will also allow time for discussion within the Panel and with the audience. Please note – Panels are not intended to be simply an oral version of a written paper. Rather, they should be more conversational, to engage listeners with the topic.
For ICP2023, the initial remarks of each panelist will be pre-recorded, but the rest of the session/ discussion will be live. Speakers may accompany their introductory remarks with up to 5 powerpoint graphics but do not need to. If graphics are used, they should use text sparingly. If appropriate, an additional speaker on the same topic may be added by the conference organizer to the panel.
Submitting an Abstract for a Panel
The submission form requires selection of topic area, name, affiliation, and email of the moderator and all authors, a Panel title, and two panel abstracts: one up to 300 words, and one up to 50 words (for the program). Each author should include a 50 word abstract with the gist of what they will talk about.
- Panel Title: 10 word maximum, each word capitalized
- Panel Long Abstract: copy and paste the following format-
Aim: One sentence describing the primary focus of the panel and how each panelist will contribute
Main Point: Discuss what the central questions are that the panel will address, the main take-away points
- Short Abstract: Combine Aim and Main Point in a 50 word summary
Posters can be on any topic in psychology related to the ICP mission. Posters can be conceptual (e.g. describe the development of an idea, model or hypothesis) or empirical (e.g. describe a research study or set of studies). Posters will be available visually online during the entire conference, and will be organized into scheduled, thematically related Poster Sessions during which authors will be able to discuss their results with participants in individual ZOOM rooms.
Submitting an Abstract for a Poster
The submission form requires name, affiliation, and email of all authors, a title, and two abstracts: one up to 300 words, and one up to 50 words.
- Title: 10 word maximum, each word capitalized
- Long Abstract: copy and paste the following format-
Aim: One sentence describing the aim of your presentation
Main Point: One sentence describing the major “takeaway” from your presentation (e.g. primary finding for a research study or
primary idea for a concept paper, or primary finding from a literature review)
Abstract: Rest of 300 word abstract: describe your presentation
- Short Abstract: Combine Aim and Main Point in a 50 word summary
All Student First Authored Submissions must be accompanied by confirmation from a faculty member familiar with the student’s work. Download endorsement form here. Have your faculty complete and sign the form and then email it to with subject line: ICP2023-StudentName.
Student Presentation Awards: All presentations with student first authors will be considered for presentation awards.