Conceptualizing Bullying That Targets Asian Adolescents in North American Schools amid COVID-19
University of Toronto, Canada
This presentation aims to conceptualize bullying targeting Asian adolescents in North Amercian schools during the COVID-19 pandemic by integrating three different theories at macro, mezzo, and micro levels. This presentation not only helps us understand potential anti-Asian racism in schools, but also guides counselling services to reduce these incidents.
Inequity of Mental Health Care for International Students in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic
1McGill University, Canada; 2Bishop’s University, Canada
Current literature is limited with regard to how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of international students in Canada and the inequities they face in accessing care. We synthesize the key barriers faced by this population into the following categories: financial, informational, and language/cultural.
Awareness of Racism, Stress, and Belongingness among East-Asian American Emerging Adults
1Pace University, United States of America; 2Columbia University, United States of America
Due to recent increases in Anti-Asian violence in the U.S., this study aimed to examine relationships among Asian identity, acculturation, stress, and belongingness among 166 East-Asian American emerging adults. Findings suggest a heightened awareness of racism is associated with increased stress and decreased feelings of belongingness among participants.
Recognizing the Role of Environmental Racism and Justice in the Climate Justice Conversation
Fielding Graduate University, United States of America
The climate change conversation has focused on climate justice, often excluding environmental justice and racism. The attempt has been to ignore climate justice’s foundation within the environmental justice framework. Schlosberg and Collins (2014) conceived three concepts that confirm the intersectionality of the two to explore in more detail.