APA CE Credits – available to those who registered for APA CE credit and paid the fee.
- CE Credit Certificates, processed by CSPP/Alliant will be sent after the ICP2022 conference
- The number of credits earned will be determined by which sessions attendees attend (including sign-in) and complete an evaluation survey
December 9
Expert Panel – Decolonization
Award Talk Session (Kamal and Ejaz)
Expert Panel – Climate Justice
December 10
Roundtable – Health and Human Rights
Expert Panel – Health Equity / Health Human Rights
Roundtable – Wellbeing
To claim CE credit for a session attendees must
- Respond to a chat from the CE Monitor sent two times during the session (you will be sent a text by the CE monitor asking you to write “your name – CEU” – you will respond in a private chat to that person only)
- Keep their video on during the session.
- Answer a brief post-session survey. After you have made contact with the CE monitor during a session you will be sent via email a link to an online post-session survey for that session.
- The attendance record and your completed form will be the materials for assigning the designated CE credit for that session,
- Sign into the event session using a Zoom account that displays your name so that we know that it is you.If your signon name is different from the name we have for CE credit (this would be the name you registered in your conftool account), please let the CE monitor know in a direct chat to CE Monitor or change your zoom name.
- Keep your chat visible so that you can respond to the chat messages from the CE Monitor asking you to reply to the message by writing your name.Your reply is a validation that you were present throughout the session.
- Respond to the questions about the presentation you have just attended as evidence of continuing education.
- You must repeat the process for each session that you wish to claim for CE credit.
Attendance Certificate
An Attendance Certificate is a document attests to the attendance of an individual at sessions listed in the certificate. Please note, this is not the same as APA Continuing Education. The attendance certificate may be used by participants as a record of their attendance, but it is not a certification for continuing education credits.
Attendance Certificates are available for the following sessions:
Dec 9
Expert Panel – Decolonization
Award Talk Session (Kamal and Ejaz)
Roundtable – Displaced Persons
Expert Panel – Climate Justice
Roundtable – Decolonization
Poster Session 1 – Systems and Processes
Dec 10
Roundtable – Health and Human Rights
Expert Panel – Health Equity / Health Human Rights
Poster Session 2 – COVID and Psychology
Roundtable – Wellbeing
Dec 11
Poster Session 3: Psychological Processes
Award Talk 2
Human Rights Celebration
ICP Business Meeting and Town Hall
Attendance certificates will be sent after the ICP2022 conference to attendees who registered and paid for them in advance of the session at the ICP2022 conference. You will need to validate your attendance at each and every session for which that you wish to claim attendance. To do that, please follow these steps:
- Sign into the event session using a Zoom account that displays your name so that we know that it is you.
- The CE Monitor will send a chat notice at the beginning of the session and toward the end o the session asking you to send a private chat with your name.
- Please repeat the process for other sessions for which you wish to claim attendance.