All day – begins 8 am April 3
Keynote Talks
Keynote: Identity, Migration and Social Inclusion
Haleh Ghorasi, Free University, Amsterdam
Keynote: Economic Security, Migration and Social Inclusion
Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Child Poverty
Nicole Lucassen, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Keynote: Mental Health, Migration and Social Inclusion
Joseph Kalisa, Rwanda
Keynote: Climate, Migration and Social Inclusion
Lore van Praag, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Forced Migration;
- Impacts of Climate Change and War;
- Intergenerational Effects of Migration
RoundTable/ Discussions:
- Promoting Social Inclusion and Competent Care;
- Systematic Effects on Mental Health in Communities of Color;
- Migration and Anti-Migration Sentiment;
- “Othering” of Migrants
Paper panels including:
- Discussion of refugee communities in India, Morocco, Kashmir
- Therapy and Training with Migrant Clients
- Climate Change
- Attitudes toward refugees, Refugee adaptation
Interactive Poster Sessions
on a variety of topics within psychology, mental health, and psychosocial adjustment