Workshop for Students and Early Career Psychologists
The ICP Workshop Development Grant prpovides $500 is to assist in the development and implementation of a workshop at the annual ICP conference.The objective of the Workshop is to provide training or mentoring of students and/or early career scholars whose first language is not English.
The grant recipient will receive a cheque plus a certificate recognizing their workshop delivery. Funds will be available for disbursement at the ICP conference. This grant was made possible with a generous donation from Tokiwa University, Japan.
Application deadline is March 1, 2020.
Eligibility Criteria
Proposals for the ECP Workshop are requested from all interested persons, although the recipient(s) must be ICP members at the time of the workshop. The ECP workshop needs to be designed to provide mentoring or training to students and/or to early career scholars/researchers whose first language is not English. Topics may include substantive research or scholarship areas, or strategies and skills for research, publication or other scholarly activities.
- “Students” refer to graduate students or full-time undergraduate students who are actively working towards a degree or certificate in psychology or in an area of study that has a major emphasis on psychological aspects of a related field study.
- “Early career scholars/researchers” refer to individuals who successfully completed a graduate degree within the last seven (10) years in the field of psychology or an allied discipline that is affiliated with psychology.
Proposals need to provide a workshop outline and curriculum that includes a mentoring or training aspect, and that explicitly provides benefits to participants whose first language is not English.
Application Process
Applications must be made online (LINK) and include:
- Applicant’s name, email, institutional contact information
- An outline for a 3-hour, pre-conference workshop that provides training on a specific aspect of psychology-relevant activity (e.g. skills, writing, data analysis, etc. or substantive area). This should include topics covered, pre-workshop readings, and learning objectives.
- A budget with justification for the amount requested to indicate how the funds will be spent should the application be successful;
- Explanation of how the workshop will specifically address the needs of non-English speaking participants
- A resume or curriculum vita that provides information on the applicant’s academic background and scholarly or research aptitude.
Applications must be submitted online [LINK]
Deadline for application is March 1, 2020.