How to submit materials for the newsletter:

All submissions should be electronic, sent to

For the Members’ News:

  • Send titles, reference citation, abstract for your recent articles (and link if you have it)
  • Sent titles, venue, event of your recent talks
  • Send information about professional milestones

For the *new* Briefs Section

The International Psychologist will now publish brief (1500 words maximum) peer-reviewed articles.

Briefs types:

  • Policy Briefs: cogent, evidence-based advice on policy issues.
  • Research Briefs: could be original research or could be a summary or extension of research that has already been published in a peer-reviewed outlet.
  • Short reports: These briefs present the results of original research, often with a small sample size or pilot study design.
  • Review/Opinion briefs:These briefs respond to articles published elsewhere, such as in a peer-reviewed journal, or can raise new issues for discussion.
  • Commentaries or Literature Reviews: These briefs critically analyze existing research or theory.
  • Case studies: These briefs present a detailed description of a single case, problem, or clinical topic, often to illustrate a particular psychological phenomenon.
  • Methodological notes:These briefs describe new or innovative methods for conducting psychological research, particularly cross-culturally.

Other Submissions

Reports of activities, events, art work, thought pieces also gladly received!


Contact International Psychologist Editor Erinn Cameron: Email –