ICP Regional Conference in Japan

Human Right Summits, Social Justice, and Wellness from a Cross Cultural/ Interdisciplinary Perspective

Co-Ordinators: Machiko Fukuhara, Naoki Asazuma,  Japan

Purpose: Gather to support the development of ICP in Japan, to learn from ICP interest groups


July 9-11, 2022 on ZOOM


July 8: 8 pm EDT / July 9 10 am JST
Opening Ceremony

July 10 3 am EDT / July 10 5 pm JST
Closing Ceremony

Speakers (speakers from Japan framed in blue)

Machiko Fukuhara

ICP2022 Japan Regional Co-Host

Dr. Machiko Fukuhara, PhD

President, Japanese Association of Microcouselling
Professor Emeritus, Tokiwa University
Past President, International Council of Psychologists

Opening Ceremony
Closing Ceremony

Naoki Asazuma

ICP2022 Japan Regional Co-Host

Dr. Naoki Asazuma, MD

President, Kawakita General Hospital, Japan
Board of Directors, International Council of Psychologists
Board of Directors, Japanese Association of Microcounseling

Opening Ceremony
Closing Ceremony

Quality of life/wellness of people from the view of medical approach

Swati Bajpai

Dr. Swati Bajpai

ICP Board Member
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Health Psychology – Interest Group

Merry Bullock

Dr Merry Bullock, PhD

Secretary-General, ICP
Ahimsa International

Introduction to ICP

Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights

Elaine Congress

Dr. Elaine Congress

Associate Dean and Professor, Fordham University GSS, USA

Health Psychology – Interest Group

Florence Denmark

Dr Florence Denmark

Pace University, USA

Updates on ICP at the United Nations

Ana Guil, Spain

Dr.Ana Guil, PhD

University of Seville (ret.), Spain

Flamenco as an Intercultural Mediator Between Japan and Spain

Polli Hagenaars

Dr. Polli Hagenaars

ICP Board Member
Private Practice, Netherlands

Decolonizing Psychology – ICP Interest Group

The Global Network of Psychologist for Human Rights

Tomoko Ikeuchi

Dr. Tomoko Ikeuchi

Human Care Research Team, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Japan

The current status of Geropsychology in Japan: Rights and well-being of older adults

Hirobumi Kawakita

Dr Hirobumi Kawakita, M.D.,MBA, PhD

Chair & CEO of Kawakita Medical Foundation, Japan
Chair of Japan Council for Quality Health Care

Human Dignity in Medical Care

Masami Maruyama

Dr Masami Marumaya

Researcher of QFC-SP, University of Kyushu, Japan
President, Japan Society of Nursing History

Bioethics and communication

Amina Muazzam

Dr Amina Muazzam

Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan

Interest Group:  Health Psychology

Sandra Neil

Dr Sandra Neil

Satir Centre, Australia

Workshop – The Multicultural Family Chessboard

Interest Group  -Endangered People and Children Human Rights

Dr. Kyoko Noguchi, PhD

Professor, Emeritus (Psychology), Bunkagakuen University, Tokyo
Past President, the Asian Association of Health Psychology

Health psychology from multicultural view

Hisao Osada

Dr. Hisao Osada, PhD

Professor of International Advanced Studies MA & PhD Program in Gerontology of J.F.Oberlin University, Tokyo

The current status of Geropsychology in Japan: Rights and well-being of older adults

Natalie Porter

Dr. Natalie Porter

Professor of Alliant International University, San Fransisco, USA

Roswith Roth

Dr. Roswith Roth

University Professor of University of Graz, Austria

The Right to Health. Reports in Emotional Support Helplines in the times of Corona in Austria

Elisón Santos

Lic. Elisón Santos


Decolonizing Psychology – ICP Interest Group

Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights

Robert Silverberg

Dr. Robert Silverberg

Satir Centre, Australia

Andrew Simon

Dr. Andrew Simon

Professor Department of Psychology of Seton Hall University, USA

Introduction to the International Council of Psychologists

Josephine Tan, Canada

Dr Josephine Tan, ICP President

Lakehead University, Canada

Opening Ceremony

Indigenous and Immigrant Communities

Keiko Tomita

Dr Keiko Tomita, PhD

President , Tokiwa University
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) 2005-2018
Graduated Georgetown University, Fordham University

International activity, past and present

Masao Yokota

Dr Masao Yokota

Nihon University, Japan

Clinical psychology and science of animation

Carlos Zalaquett

Dr Carlos Zalaquett

Professor-Catedratico, The Pennsylvania State University

Psychotherapy, Social Justice, Climate Change, and Wellbeing